Everything you need to know about this hero ingredient

Everything you need to know about this hero ingredient

Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule found naturally in the skin that helps to bind water to collagen, holding it in the skin for a plumper, dewier, and more hydrated appearance. Hyaluronic acid works by increasing hydration in the skin, keeping it looking fresh, plump, and bouncy. Skin care products containing this ingredient are frequently used in conjunction with vitamin C treatments to aid penetration. The ability of hyaluronic acid (also known as a glycosaminoglycan) to "reverse" or "halt" ageing is frequently advocated. You may have heard of hyaluronic acid as the "secret to the fountain of youth" in news headlines. This is because the substance is found in juvenile skin, various tissues, and joint fluid and exists naturally (and in large amounts) in humans and animals. Hyaluronic acid is a hydrating and cushioning substance found in the body's connective tissues. Nature, on the other hand, destroys hyaluronic acid as you get older. Diet and smoking can both impact the amount of hyaluronic acid in your body over time. Hyaluronic acid is commonly utilised in skin care products to address wrinkles and may aid with skin hydration and firmness.

What is the significance of hyaluronic acid?

Because we naturally lose collagen and hyaluronic acid as we age, our skin becomes more prone to dehydration. In addition, harsh weather, winter heaters, some skin-care products, and underlying skin disorders can cause microscopic cracks in the natural skin barrier, allowing water to escape. That's why developing a customised skin-care routine that includes hydrating products can be very effective. Our skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs up to 60 per cent of the nutrients we apply to it. Hyaluronic acid is easily absorbed, which is why it is so effective when used topically. Hyaluronic acid's lightweight, fluid nature and ability to lock in moisture from the environment and deeper dermis to properly hydrate the skin are additional benefits.

Who should use hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is beneficial to all skin types, but it is most beneficial to those with dry and/or older skin. Because our bodies produce less hyaluronic acid as we age, replenishing it topically will have the greatest influence on those of us who are middle-aged and older.

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