Top 5 Benefits of Using Detan Over Bleach for Skin Brightening

Top 5 Benefits of Using Detan Over Bleach for Skin Brightening

People turn to bleach when it comes to bright and radiant skin; however, as technology progresses and people become aware of how sensitive the skin of their face is, there is a wave of people choosing natural and gentle approaches. This is where De-tanning comes into the picture, It is a gentle approach one can take towards skin brightening and choose facial treatments like detan facial for the skin. Let’s discuss the top 5 benefits of using Detan over bleach for brighter skin: 

-Natural and gentle on the skin 

First and foremost, Detan facial helps get rid of the dead skin cells on the skin gently and reveals the brighter skin beneath, unlike bleach which contains harsh chemicals that can trigger skin concerns especially if you have sensitive skin. Detan facials usually consist of fruit enzymes that are natural and gentle on the skin making it ideal for all skin types as well. 

-Efficient tan removal 

When tan is removed from the deeper layers, it leads to efficient tan removal. Bleach targets the melanin to lighten the skin, whereas, Detan facial deeply yet gently exfoliates the dead skin cells and melanin buildup.

-Promotes long-term well-being 

What does a Detan facial do? It exfoliates the dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover and regeneration, which encourages the skin’s natural renewal process. This approach in skincare helps get long-term results and promotes skin health, not just immediate brightening effects. 

-Skin nurturing 

Detan facials prioritise skin nurturing and have ingredients that help nurture the skin and support overall skin health. Bleach, on the other hand can strip off the natural oils of the skin, irritate the skin, and leave it feeling irritated as well as dry.

-Safe for all skin types

Detan facials or treatments are made with soothing ingredients, which makes them versatile and ideal for all skin types. They are formulated with gentle and non-irritating ingredients that help gently exfoliate instead of aggressively lightening.

These are some of the most important benefits of choosing a Detan facial over bleach. Now you know and can choose for yourself what is good for your skin. If your primary concern is detanning, it serves the purpose and also takes care of overall skin health, such as improving skin texture, fine lines, acne, dull skin, and so much more. To make your work easier, here are two of the best de-tanning treatments one can get from Lotus Professional.

- Superberry Lacto DeTAN Skin Brightening Facial 

This particular facial is enriched with super berries as their key ingredients- cranberry, blueberry, strawberry and raspberry, each of which helps in skin rejuvenation and overall promotes healthy and bright skin. The process is similar to a deep cleansing facial. Skin exfoliation helps get rid of all the dead skin cells aiding in the reduction of the tan lines without harsh chemicals. It is perfect for sun-damaged skin this summer. 

-Superberry Lacto DeTAN Face & Body Masque  

Your face is not the only place that gets tanned during peak summers, it is equally important to take care of the other body parts exposed to the sun as well. This is where Superberry Lacto DeTAN Face & Body Masque comes in, with the natural goodness of berries, and free from all the artificial chemicals, it is the best facial to get this time. It effectively removes tan from the face and body, and hydrates and nourishes the skin. 

In conclusion, for getting bright and radiant skin, bleaching may have been the go-to, but knowing the benefits of detan facials and how irritating bleach can be for the skin, it’s evident that detan treatments are good for the overall health of the skin. Enriched with good and natural ingredients, these facials help keep the skin free from sun tan and give healthy glowing skin. Embrace the natural and safe path for your skin health and treat your skin with the goodness that it truly deserves.

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