Myths and Facts about Beta Hydroxy Acid

Myths and Facts about Beta Hydroxy Acid

Every skincare fanatic knows about Beta Hydroxy Acid, you must live under a rock if you do not. Beta Hydroxy Acids are derived from willow tree bark, wintergreen leaves, or sweet birch bark. They are oil-soluble acids while Alpha Hydroxy Acids are water-soluble. They are usually present in skincare products that treat acne and oily skin, salicylic acid is the most common BHA. Let us discuss some facts and myths about Beta Hydroxy Acids:

  • Stronger exfoliants are better:

It is not true. It might look tempting to straight up go for a stronger variant of an exfoliator because it means better or fast results? However, this is not the case with chemical exfoliators. Over-exfoliation is a thing and it can lead to chemical burns. It is suggested to use lower concentration at the beginning for your skin to get used to it.

  • BHA works on clogged pores.

Yes. Beta Hydroxy Acids are oil-soluble, they can penetrate deeply into the skin and clears the excess oil that clogs the pores.

  • You should not use salicylic acid when out in the sun.

It is a myth. Salicylic acid or any other exfoliant is supposed to exfoliate the top layer of your skin making it sensitive to sun exposure. Applying and reapplying SPF every 2-3 hours is a crucial step to protect your skin.

  • It can reduce inflammation.

It is true. One of the most common BHA, salicylic acid is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. They treat acne inflammation by reaching into the pores and getting rid of excess oil produced by the skin.

Beta Hydroxy Acids can help treat acne, prevent acne breakout, help clear pores, and give you healthy skin overall. However, it is best to use and find out what works best for your skin.

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