How To Deal With Oily Skin?

How To Deal With Oily Skin?

Knowing your skin type to draft a suitable skincare regimen for yourself is essential. Choosing the products wisely is vital instead of merely following the stunning and glittery advertisements that might be misleading at times.

Most people in the world have oily skin but face difficulty in understanding the basic do’s and don’ts regarding the skincare regime for oily skin type. Through this article, we have tried to acquaint you with the fundamental ideas that you must be aware of while dealing with oily skin.

People with oily skin often face issues like acne, pimples, break outs which are not easy to get rid of if you are not entirely aware about the needs of your skin. Remember, that different skin types call for different kinds of skincare regimen. Something that might have worked in favour of someone with a similar skin type might not necessarily be the answer to your issues as well. Allow your skin to tell you what is working and try to read those signs to develop a greater understanding.

Here are a few tips that will help you to deal with skin issues related to oily skin.

Step 1: Never forget to cleanse your skin

Oily skin is more prone to dust and dirt in comparison to other skin types. The extra oil that layers up on the skin attracts dirt to a greater extent which thereby causes breakout and pimples.

Make sure that you start your days by cleansing your face. To remove all the filth and sebum that your skin may have accumulated over night, wash your face with a light and gentle cleanser. Keeping your skin clean is the primary foundation of a healthy skincare routine. Avoid over-scrubbing or using overly harsh products as it can damage the delicate barrier of your skin. Use a gentle body wash and cleanser for bathing because using harsh or extremely strong products may cause a deeper damage to your skin.

Step 2: Exfoliate

You must only do this action once each week. Exfoliation is helpful in removing the dead skin cells and dirt that have settled in deep within the pores of your skin. This is a useful practice to achieve a smooth texture and healthy skin.

You may also apply a physical or chemical exfoliant for better results, but ensure that you use any product only after trying it on your elbow region before applying it straight to the face. It is also important to note that exfoliation does not necessarily mean rigorous scrubbing. Exfoliation must be mild and gentle to bring out the best results.

Exfoliation is essential for the entire body and not just the face. Using gentle scrubs for you back, elbows and other body parts could also help in avoiding under growth of hair within the pores of the skin which is a common issue faced after frequent waxing.

Step 3: Toner

Don't miss this step from your skincare regimen. Your skin needs to be prepared for the benefits of skin care products, and toner does just that. It tones your skin, that is to say, it lays a perfect pitch on your skin for the skincare products to work their magic. Additionally, it removes any residue that was left on the face even after cleaning it.

Lotus Professional provides you with toners that also help you to retain the freshness of your skin. At times, when washing your face frequently is not a possibility, you can simply spray yourself with tones to get rid of the dull and oil skin that makes you look cakey, especially with makeup.

It further helps to adjust the pH of skin that allows the natural glow to be retained and maintained for a longer duration. Being water-like in consistency, it also waters up your skin, in other words, it keeps your skin fresh and well hydrated.

Another major role that toner plays in your everyday skincare routine is reducing the pore size. Small pores allow lesser dirt to seep into the skin and helps you have a clearer skin. However, you must always avoid using toners with alcohol in them since they might remove your skin's natural oils and leave your skin too dry due to their harsh composition.

Step 4: Serum

Serums are really helpful in catering to oily skin issues. Applying a serum after the first cleaning and toning to target particular skin problems must be incorporated in your skincare routine to see greater benefits. You may be able to treat skin problems including acne, hyperpigmentation, and enlarged pores using serums that contain vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, alpha arbutin, and other components.

Lotus Professional brings to you a wide variety of serums that are rich in retinol, salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, alpha hydroxy acids all of which are essential components for treating excess oil issue or oily skin type in general.

Serums are real game changers in the skincare industry. Finding the perfect combination of ingredients that suit your skin type is pretty simple with an array of serums that Lotus Professional offers its customers.

Step 5: Moisturizing

Even if you have oily skin, do not make the mistake of ignoring this step. Moisturizing is essential for all skin types. All you have to do is focus on what kind of moisturizing is required for your skin. Using water-based gel moisturizers for oily skin proves to be a good idea to trap in the moisture without causing your skin to release excess oil. The water base and gel-like consistency of the products helps in keeping your skin hydrated without using any heavy product that might irritate your skin and stop the excessive sebum production.

Using proper eye cream is also a vital aspect of moisturizing. People often forget that the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive area and must be carefully looked after. Your under-eye skin is fragile and vulnerable to injury. If you notice, eyes are usually the first area where wrinkles and aging become prominent. The eye region contains oil glands and is prone to drying up quickly, particularly if you use acne treatments that exacerbate the condition. Hence, focus more prominently on using a suitable eye cream for yourself.

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